Gays Under Nazi Tyranny
featuring keynote speaker
Klaus Müller, Ph.D.
Consultant to the U.S. Holocaust Museum
Saturday, May 21, 1994 7:00 P.M.
Hillel Foundation
11291 Euclid Avenue (near CWRU at University Circle)
Donation: 2 Canned Goods or $3.00
presenting the documentary
We Were Marked With A Big 'A' For the first time, three gay Holocaust survivors tell their story.
Dr. Klaus Müller will be the guest preacher at Liberation U.C.C. Sunday, May 22, 1994 10:30A.M.
(Services held at Hillel Foundation)
Learn about our special Gay and Lesbian Trip to the U.S. Holocaust Museum October 29-30, 1994 RESERVE THE DATE
Sponsored by Congregation Chevrei Tikva with the generous support of Lutherans Concerned, Liberation U.C.C., Gay People's Chronicle, and the Harriet W. Zucker Memorial Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland
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Visiting Nurse Association
Continued from Page 1
ing with AIDS," he says. "There's also a big need to diagnose AIDS dementia properly and see it for what it is and not confuse it with depression." Feldt says that doctors often fail to recognize the signs of AIDSrelated dementia and therefore do not provide the neurological testing that's necessary. A mis-diagnosed case of severe dementia can put patients at physical risk to themselves and those around them.
Coupling the need to cover that range of mental health issues, from early denial and depression to dementia, with in-home services provided by the VNA, seemed a natural. "I think our AIDS programs keep with that tradition of seeing what the community needs are and trying to meet them.”
Defining just what those needs are was important to Feldt. "I didn't want to see us duplicating services that are already out there. I really looked around at all the other AIDS services and so little seemed to be happening about mental health issues. The Free Clinic's Early Intervention Program is great if you're healthy, have no kids and you've got transportation. But our clients typically have a variety of needs and AIDS is just one of them. Many of our patients are poor, are very sick and just can't get out of the house."
Two grants of $25,000 each from the Elton John AIDS Fund of the National Community AIDS Partnership (NCAP), and the Design Industries Foundation for AIDS (DIFFA) have given the VNA the backing to get the program going. "Initially, private grants started the program," explains Feldt, "but our goal is to keep the services free. Money is always an issue and insurance plans and Medicaid do not always cover psychiatric services. With this program we provide RNs with psychiatric nurse training who can aid our consulting psychiatrist and the attending physician in assessing, planning and making up a program for each patient."
A psychiatric nurse will administer a NARS (Neuropsychiatric AIDS Rating Scale) test. This scale covers a variety of "behavioral domains," such as orientation, memory, motor skills and daily living activities. A patient's response can be measured from fully normal to end stage, where memory is gone and the client may no longer be able to live independently. Help is also available for people dealing with the depression and anger that usually accompanies early detection of HIV. Additionally, licensed social workers help clients access
John Preston
Continued from Page 1
other AIDS services and agencies that they might not be linked to.
Since caregivers play a major role in home care, their active participation is encouraged and special instruction is provided in recognizing and managing the symptoms of failing mental health, administering medications, and basic coping skills.
Gay Book: A Man's Survival Guide for the 90s and Hometowns: Gay Men Write About Where They Belong. Both were Book of the Month Club selections, bringing his work before mainstream audiences.
Earlier, Preston co-founded Gay House Inc. in Minneapolis, and moved on to San Francisco to serve in 1975 as editor of The Advocate, the nation's largest gay news magazine.
Referrals to the VNA come from many sources; a patient's physician, family mem-
A native of Medfield, Mass., Preston graduated from Lake Forest College and went on to graduate study in human sexuality.
His first book was the critically acclaimed Franny, The Queen of Provincetown, a portrait of an aging gay man, which was produced on the stage more than a dozen times. Among his more than 40 books, some written under pseudonyms, are a number of erotic novels that achieved cult status.
After living in New York City and San Francisco, he moved to Portland in 1979. He said he found the local gay scene a refreshing change because of the lack of affectation so prevalent in the big cities.
In 1992, the John Hay Library at Brown University acquired Preston's papers and manuscripts as the first step in an effort to
David Feldt
bers, clients themselves and intake centers like Health Issues Taskforce, Cleveland Metro General Hospital, and the Clement Center for Family Care at E. 79 Street. Services are provided on a sliding scale based on ability to pay.
existing successful program in Los AngeThe Cleveland program is modeled on an les. Believe it or not, Feldt says there are important similarities between L.A. and Cleveland. "Cleveland is like L.A. because we are geographically spread out all over. L.A. has an incredible amount of area to cover. So do we. We are doing that, like Los Angeles, by operating satellites. We have locations in Mentor, Summit County and Westlake." With the VNA currently building a new headquarters in the vicinity of St. Vincent's Hospital, Feldt says that will mean further links, not only to St. Vincent's, but also Cleveland State University's nursing program, translating into more patient care.
But Feldt emphasizes that the VNA will stay true to its roots. "You can think of us as a highly mobile, highly flexible service delivery system."
For more information about the Visiting Nurse Association and its In Home AIDS/ HIV Mental Health Program, contact David Feldt, R.N., Program Coordinator, at 881-1210.
expand its collection to include the archives of gay and lesbian writers.
Survivors include his parents, Nancy and Jack Preston of Medfield, two brothers and two sisters.
Continued from Page 1
If upheld, Jenrette's ruling would kill the only remaining portion of laws enacted by the City Council last summer to give legal recognition to gay or straight couples involved in longterm commitments but who are not married. About 60 couples have registered and received certificates similar to marriage licenses.
Mayor Bill Campbell has directed city attorneys to appeal, said Angelo Fuster, an aide to Campbell.
Gay rights activists said they were pleased that the judge's action would put the matter directly before the Georgia Supreme Court.
"This puts it on the fastest track we could hope for," said Larry Pellegrini, chair of the Lesbian and Gay chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. "We're very optimistic that the Supreme Court will see it our way."